Java for windows 7/8/10/11 by getformypc blogspot.

Features of the java:

  1. Platform Independence:

    • Code can run on any device with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  2. Object-Oriented:

    • Follows the object-oriented programming paradigm for modular and reusable code.
  3. Simple Syntax:

    • Easy-to-understand syntax simplifies code development.
  4. Automatic Memory Management:

    • Garbage collection feature manages memory automatically.
  5. Multithreading:

    • Supports concurrent execution of multiple threads, enhancing performance.
  6. Rich Standard Library:

    • Comprehensive library provides ready-to-use classes and methods.
  7. Security Features:

    • Built-in security measures for safe execution of code.
  8. Platform-Independent Networking:

    • Facilitates easy development of networked applications.
  9. Wide Community Support:

    • Large developer community for assistance and resources.
  10. Exception Handling:

    • Robust exception-handling mechanism for graceful error management.
  11. Dynamic and Extensible:

    • Dynamic loading of classes and extensible features for flexibility.
  12. WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere):

    • Code written once can be executed on different platforms without modification.

Minimum system requirements for java:

System Requirement Minimum Specification
Operating System Windows 7 or later
Processor 1 GHz or faster
RAM 512 MB
Hard Disk Space At least 2 GB of available space